How to open Control Panel in Windows 11?

Many rumors say that Microsoft is removing the classic control panel from Windows 10; However, Windows 11 has started and is still part of it. To install Windows 11, your PC should have Secure Boot and TMP 2.0 should be activated in the BIOS / UEFI. However, if you’re using an old Windows PC or … Read more

How to Make Windows 11 PC as Wi-Fi Hotspot?

Would you like to share the Internet access of your Windows laptop with your other devices via WiFi? Starting with Windows 10, Microsoft includes a hidden built-in tool that you can use to turn your computer into a Wi-Fi hotspot. This built-in feature is still available on Windows 11, that is, without a third-party tool; … Read more

How to Fix MSVCR120.dll is Missing on Windows PC?

If you are facing MSVCR120.dll missing on Windows PC/Laptop, read on to know how to fix MSVCR120.dll missing on Windows PC? Salvation! Internet users, How are you all, I hope all is well, Today we are here with a new concept, that is everyone facing MSVCR120.dll is missing from Windows PC , I think you … Read more

Tablet Mode In Windows 11?

Windows 10 comes with a feature called tablet mode. Tablet mode, when enabled, makes several minor changes to the user interface to make it easier to use Windows on a touch device. For example, when you use your device with tablet mode turned on, all applications and File Explorer always open maximized. Is there tablet … Read more