How to Troubleshoot Bluetooth Issues on Windows

When you are working on a PC, system issues are pretty obvious. It is a machine, after all! With most PCs working on Windows operating systems, we can never have enough troubleshooting techniques for dealing with its issues. Windows is the most popular operating system in the entire world. we can see it just about … Read more

How to Fix Sound Problems in Windows 10

Windows 10 happens to be the most popular operating system in recent times. The OS can be seen just about everywhere, from schools to offices. The smooth user experience constantly promotes Windows 10 over all other operating systems. However, many of the users complain about the updates that Windows gives from time to time. While … Read more

Why Does Windows 10 Update So Much?

Trust us, as this question has haunted us for years as well! Anyone who uses Windows 10 as their operating Software has faced system updates at least once. Haven’t we all been in that situation where we are stuck in the most urgent works, and our system started taking updates?! And Windows 10 is known … Read more