10 Ways To Create Window Displays That Will Keep Your Visitors Coming Back

There is a reason why retail stores have Window Displays. It’s so that customers can check out the products that the store has to offer. In other words, window displays are one of the most important marketing tools for businesses. The difference, however, between an ordinary window display and a super-effective one lies in how they are designed and executed. With that being said, this article will discuss 10 tips on how you can create more engaging window displays that will keep your visitors coming back again and again.

Create visual hierarchy

One of the main reasons why retail stores have window displays is to draw attention and inform customers about their products. At the same time, there are certain rules that come with creating an effective visual hierarchy. The first and most important thing to consider is the vertical and horizontal relationship between all the products in your display. Your products should be placed at certain heights so that the vertical relationship between them is consistent. In other words, all the products should be placed at the same distance from the top of the window display so that the window is not crowded. Another thing to keep in mind is the horizontal relationship between the products. It should be clearly visible so that customers can easily navigate and browse through all the items in the display.

Use contrasting colours

One of the ways to create a more engaging window display is by using contrasting colours. In particular, you should use the same colour scheme in your interior design and the colours used in your window displays. It will boost the impact of your interior design. You can also use contrasting colours to highlight certain parts of your products. For instance, you can create a visual hierarchy by using red as a visual focal point and other colours as accents. You can also use contrasting colours to draw attention to certain products or aspects of your brand.

Include signifiers

Another thing to consider while creating a visual hierarchy is using signifiers. The signifiers are visual elements that are used to create an association between two things. For example, the signifiers can be products’ shapes, textures, colours, or other attributes. Another thing about including signifiers is that you should not make them too obvious. So, you should keep them subtle enough to be noticed, yet noticeable enough to be understood.

The show, don’t tell

Another thing to keep in mind while creating window displays is to “show, don’t tell.” In other words, you should not use words to demonstrate the features of your products. Instead, you should use images to demonstrate their features. The best example that can help explain this is with a pencil and a piece of paper. WIf you take a pencil and a piece of paper and place them in front of a person, would the person be able to tell you what the pencil can do? Probably not. With this in mind, you should use images to show the features of your products. This way, you will not only create a more engaging window display, but you will also save a lot of money.

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Use a display template

One of the best things about using a display template is that it makes your job easier. Essentially, you will have to do less work since you will have a pre-designed display template to work on. The best thing about using a display template is that it will save you time. You will no longer have to come up with the exact display design or layout for each product. Instead, you will have to choose from one of the many display templates that are available. With this, you will also have to do less research since most of these displays are researched and curated. The next thing to keep in mind is to choose the right display template for your products. After all, your displays will all look the same if you use the wrong template.

Use props strategically

One of the best ways to boost your window displays’ effectiveness is to use props strategically. Essentially, you should not use props that are not relevant to the products on your display. For instance, if you have products that are selling shoes, you should not use a table to showcase them. Instead, you should use wall-mounted shelving to organize the shoes. The props you use should be relevant to the products on your display. Thus, when you are choosing the props for your window displays, you should keep the visual hierarchy in mind.

Play with light and shadow

Another factor that you can use to create more engaging window displays is to play with light and shadow. Specifically, you should create light effects in your displays and also use low-key lighting to create a softer mood in your interior. The light effects can come in the form of spotlights or glow-in-the-dark products. The next thing that you should keep in mind is the shadows. You can create darker shadows or use a light source to create a cast shadow on a wall. The shadows that you create in your window displays will help to draw customers’ attention to your products.

Stay consistent in your messaging

Finally, another tip on how to make your window displays more engaging is to keep the same messaging throughout your displays. In other words, you should not create one display and then change the message in the next display. Doing so will confuse your customers and make your window displays confusing. It’s better to create a display with a consistent message across all the displays you create. This way, you will be able to inform and engage your customers better. These are the top tips on how you can create more engaging window displays that will keep your visitors coming back again and again.