6 Great Ways to Fix the Search Indexer High CPU Issue on Windows

The search indexer is a component that helps the search engine understand your website structure so it can provide relevant results. If the indexer is working effectively, users will be able to find their content with just a few clicks. When the CPU usage of the search indexer is high, however, there’s a higher risk that users will experience performance issues as well. A lot of websites use hidden codes to slow down the crawling speed of Google and other search engines. These codes are known as crawl rate-limiting or canonical tagging and they have been around for quite some time now. If you haven’t heard about them yet, here’s an overview of what crawl rate limiting is and how it affects your SEO efforts.

What is Crawl Rate Limiting?

Crawl rate limiting is a technique used by many large websites to slow down the crawling speed of search engines. While this technique makes it more difficult for crawlers to crawl your site, it doesn’t affect bots that already have a cached version of your content. Some websites use crawl rate-limiting to prevent Googlebot from crawling the site at a faster speed than specified by the robots. crawling threshold parameter. This may be either to avoid getting penalized or to prevent automated crawling programs like Google Chrome’s built-in debugger from crashing.

Why Is Crawl Rate Limiting a Problem?

Google’s crawler is an important part of your SEO strategy. If you’re not getting as many visitors as you could be, the crawl rate limiting technique could be to blame. Not only that, but if the crawl rate limiting technique is being used, it’s likely that other components of your SEO strategy are also suffering. This means that: – Your traffic is low. – Your organic rankings are dropping search indexer. – Your site is getting spammy spam. – Your browser is experiencing lots of lag. – Your CPU is getting extremely hot. – Your computer is getting slow.

How to Find Out if Your Website is Using crawl rate limiting

You have to check whether your website is using crawl rate limiting. You can do it by using a tool like Screaming Frog or Open Site Explorer. You can also use a website audit tool like SEMRush to see if your website is crawling at the right speed.

Read More: How To Create a Microsofts Windows Search Filter Host On Your Own Servers

3 Effective Ways to Overcome the High CPU Issue of the Search Indexer

The high CPU issue of the search indexer can be easily resolved with the help of i.e. iMac Cleanup Pro. This program is designed for cleaning up your CPU and RAM effectively. Although it is a paid application, it is worth the money. It is an easy-to-use application for both Mac and Windows users. Apart from cleaning your RAM and CPU, it also manages your startup items effectively. It clears your history, caches, and other junk data from your Mac so that you can run it smoothly. After you run it for a while, you will see the difference. It is the best way to avoid the high CPU issue.


The search indexer is a component that helps the search engine understand your website structure so it can provide relevant results. If the indexer is working effectively, users will be able to find their content with just a few clicks. When the CPU usage of the search indexer is high, however, there’s a higher risk that users will experience performance issues as well. This article explored the reasons behind the high CPU usage of the search indexer, as well as the effective ways to fix the problem. You should now be able to tackle any issues with your indexer. If you want to keep your search engine healthy, you should keep this problem in mind. A high CPU usage of the search indexer can significantly affect the speed of your website and cause more issues for your users.